The Prison Industry Enhancement Certification Program (PIECP) was authorized in 1979 to encourage joint ventures between correctional industries and private sector companies. Congress has selected the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) of the U.S. Department of Justice to administer the PIE program, and BJA is charged with ensuring that these partnerships are in compliance with Federal law and regulation. BJA has selected the National Correctional Industries Association (NCIA) to assist in the administration of PIE, to provide limited technical assistance, and conduct compliance assessments of cost accounting centers (CACs) in PIE certified jurisdictions. The goal of the assessments is to assure that the PIE program is in full compliance with federal requirements, and if not, to help bring the program into full compliance.
Utah Correctional Industries currently has six approved CACs. However, this can vary where cost accounting centers can be added or taken off at any time.