To place an order with UCI:
The customer will contact UCI ( with their initial inquiry or any questions relating to the order they would like to place.
UCI Customer Service then responds with the answers to any questions posed by the customer or provides the customer with a quote for the items requested.
Customer reviews and approves the quote by initialing the appropriate boxes and providing their signature, the date, and any necessary billing information (PO#, billing codes, etc).
- If changes need to be made to the initial quote, the customer can note those changes on the quote or send an email ( with the desired changes.
- The quote will be adjusted accordingly and resent to the customer for approval.
- Due to products being built to order, once a quote has been approved and sent to production, it cannot be canceled or changed.
Once final approval is received by UCI, the order will be entered in to the system and production
will begin.
The customer will be contacted prior to delivery to ensure the customer receives their order.
UCI was created by the Utah Legislature (Utah Correctional Industries Act, 1985, Utah Code 64-13a), to provide value and cost savings to state agencies. This value has been extended to other government agencies, including counties, cities, school districts, special service districts and qualifying nonprofit organizations.
State Agencies and other procurement units shall purchase goods and services provided by UCI as provided in Section 63G-6a-804 of Utah State Code. Procurement units may not purchase any goods or services provided by UCI from any other source unless an exception is granted by the UCI Director and the Director of State Purchasing.